We are happy to welcome Eric Kim as our new Children’s Choir and Teen Music Ministry Director! Eric is a graduate student at Westminster Choir College, majoring in Choral Conducting and is currently a graduate assistant for the Symphonic Choir at Westminster under the guidance of Dr. James Jordan. Eric has significant experience working with children’s choirs here in the US and abroad and has plans of staying here in Princeton to further that vision. Eric will be mentored here at St. Paul’s by Carole Moore, who held the position of Director for many years and has now retired. Eric will also be mentored by Ernie Andreoli, St. Paul’s Director of Music.
The Parish Children's Choir is welcoming new members for the 2018-2019 year. The choir consists of 50-60 boys and girls in grades 3 through 8 and meets in our church choir loft to rehearse every Monday night from 5:45 to 7:00 pm. The choir sings monthly for the 10:00 am Masses and also serves the parish by singing for other Masses and events as called upon. If you can't make it to every single rehearsal and every single Mass, that's ok. We understand homework, various obligations that arise, and visits to Grandma's! To read about the choir, to view the calendar....and to sign up, click here. For further information contact Children's Choir Directors: Carole Moore at: [email protected] or Lauren Allen at [email protected]